
Your membership fees help keep our neighborhood’s most valuable asset, The Harmony Hills Cabana Club, up and running. The HHCC board continues to find ways to cut expenses, as well as looking into capital improvements that must be made as an ongoing maintenance program (resurfacing the pools, resurface tennis courts, etc.).

Fee Structure

Membership dues statement for each calendar year are sent out in the fall.  Members receive 2 free guest passes ($10 value, recorded on your sign-in record).

# of people in household:        (early bird discounts)

3 or more       $400.00     (By Oct 31 - save $30)

2                           $330.00      (By Nov 30 - save $20)

1                           $225.00       (By Dec 31 - save $10)

For returning members, dues are made payable by May 1 of each year. If dues are not paid in full by this date. Members with outstanding balances may NOT use guest passes or enjoy party discounts.

Or print the Membership Application and 

Mail checks / forms to:

P.O. Box 790994, San Antonio, Texas 78279-0994 

We accept credit cards via Square with a nominal fee - Join Online Now.

Guest Fees

Our guest fees are $5. Guests are allowed three (3) visits per year (with a paid member) under the guest program, to continue visiting, become a member.  *Out of Town visitors may (with advance notice) be registered and pay $20.00 per person per week - some exceptions on individual basis, approved by Board*

Pay Online via Square

Your Board of Directors minimizes membership fees by holding garage sales, Bob's Burger's sales on Friday nights and renting the pool and clubhouse for private parties. YOU can help us keep your dues in check by contributing to these events.